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Changing Our Thought Patterns?

Now, in place of carnal thinking
That feed our feelings, reactions
We’re renewed, in our minds
And godly thoughts, lead to actions.

Are You a Dreamer?

Yet our Master, Creator
Set limits, in love
Has given us guidance
The true Captain, above.

Accept Responsibility

For we’re given free will
Seek eternal treasures
Yes, choose God and His ways
Not fleeting, fleshly pleasures.

Are You Pressing On?

Are you pressing on upward
To reach higher ground
Are you seeking the Lord
In His presence be found?

Finding Meaning

Let us listen, and learn
Our true purpose, commitment
The end of the matter
To seek God, for fulfillment.

Hungry for God?

you hungry and thirsty
To draw nearer, to God’s Presence
Know more of His love
And taste more, of His essence?

Are You Lukewarm?

Since neither hot, nor cold
He would vomit them out
While they claimed to be rich
Needing naught, not without.

Would You Exchange?

Would you exchange truth
Of God, for a lie
Serve and worship, the creature
Above the Creator…on high?

Want To Be Wise?

Know the fear of the LORD
Is the beginning of wisdom
So, if we would be wise
Will seek first God’s kingdom.