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Good Shepherd, do guide me
To make, heavenly choices
Yes, hearing Your will
Amongst many voices.

Wanting to Fail?

So easily deceived
Follow flesh, not God’s Spirit
Refusing to repent
Their choice, God fulfils it!

Finish Well

I press toward the goal, yes, for the prize. The upward call of God in Jesus Christ.

Filling Our Carton

Yes, our carton gets filled
For we all choose contents
Either God’s will and truths
Or man’s changing concepts.

Facing the Future

Facing the future
Uncertainty, for sure
Yet God, is all knowing
In Him, fully secure.

Examine Yourself

So few, stop to weigh
Consider wherein
Their values and faith
And worldview within.

Don’t Look Back

No compromised commitment
And no looking back
Surely God, deserves all
Christ is worthy….we never lack!

Choosing Affliction

So, choose rather to suffer
Affliction, with God’s people
Than passing pleasures of sin
Be with Christ, and not evil.

Choose This Day

Are you faithful to God
Or falling away
Follow His will
Or falter and stray?