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This Thanksgiving Day

Yes, give thanks for all
Whate’er life brings
Loudly, praise His Name
He will use everything.


Yesterday’s gone
And tomorrow’s unknown
We have, just today
To invest, wisely own.

To Everything a Season

So, through seasons of life
As God leads to the next
Do trust and obey Him
Daily, enter His rest.

The Drama of Life

Remember our lives
Are played on a stage
That God has designed
With plans for each age.


So, prepare well for heaven
Through Jesus, the Lord
Spend more time in prayer
And sharing God’s Word.

New Year Resolutions

Through Yeshua, Messiah
God’s Spirit within
Lord guide and empower me
…Let the New Year begin.

Fight for Your Family

Do fight for your family
Right there on your knees
Claiming God’s victory
So, meeting their needs.

Discounting Divorce

Instead of commitment
Honoring God, and spouse
We’re caught up, in a culture
Pleasing ‘self’ and our doubts.