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The Underground Church

So, remember they’re family
Forget not, stay prayerful
Your brothers and sisters
In Christ… do be faithful.

The Message of Christmas

Stepped into our world
So broken, and bound
Brought light and salvation
That lost souls are found.

The Drama of Life

Remember our lives
Are played on a stage
That God has designed
With plans for each age.

The Cost of Salvation

Yet, He bids us to follow
We must take up, our cross
Abide in Him daily
Count all things as loss.

Thanksgiving Holiday

Do give thanks in all
Whatever God brings
Do praise His Name
For truly, everything.

Thanksgiving Day

Are you thankful this year
Recalling God’s kindness
His daily, unfailing love
Despite our flaws, and blindness?

Take the Time

Take time, to smell the roses
Listen to a hurting soul
Hold a hand, speak a kindness
Help restore, a sinner whole.