Take the Time
Take time, to smell the roses
Listen to a hurting soul
Hold a hand, speak a kindness
Help restore, a sinner whole.
Modern Marriage
Seems marriage today
Lacks God at the center
Now, it’s all about ‘me’
With no plan, to surrender.
So, serve one another
And think of their best
Forgive, when they fail you
And try not to test.
Keep Short Accounts
So, keep short accounts
Don’t let wounds fester
Learn to quickly forgive
Show love, and live better.
Hurts to our Heart
Know hurts to our heart
Must be forgiven
Our pain, and revenge
We’re in our own ‘prison’.
How to Forgive Others
And if God so loves each
Forgives, offers salvation
Should we too, not love
Offer others, reconciliation?
How to Forgive
So, let us turn and learn
Forgiveness and grace
As Christ, forgives us
Choose His love, to replace.
Forgiveness depends
Not on the offender
They may have done wrong
Jesus tells us, be a forgiver.
Forgiveness or Feelings
While Jesus, showed love
Forgiveness, not hate
Building bridges, not walls
To unite, not separate.
Failing to Love
And likewise, our neighbor
To love, as our self
Yet too often, we’re selfish
Serving largely, our self.