A Loveless Marriage?
A marriage, run dry
The tank, now on empty
Warm feelings, run cold
Though once, love was plenty.
God’s Design for Marriage
God calls us together
In Christ, become one
Through Him, learn to love
That our marriage be won.
Churches Teach, but Don’t Disciple
One-on-one, in small groups
Much time, mentoring, Jesus discipled
Equipped and trained, ‘how’ to obey
To reproduce, go make disciples.
Renewing the Church
Seem so few, will die to self
So ask Jesus, to start using
My life holy, be His witness
Disciple-making, reproducing.
Church Leaders in Disciple-Making?
So let us focus, on Jesus’ mission
Train in outreach, disciple-making
Equip the saints, reach the world
Role modeling, and mentoring!
The Mission Driven Church
With those gifted, to equip saints
For the work of the ministry
Edifying, the body of Christ,
To go multiply, in each vicinity.
Awake Us, O LORD
Shake us and wake us
Revive us, O Lord
Send down the fires
May Your Spirit, be poured.
Our Vision
We need vision to see
Our prime purpose in life
Fulfilling god’s calling
In this world of strife.
Our Spiritual Vision
So let us learn, to reproduce
In the lives, of friends and neighbors
By evangelizing, then discipling
Multiplying disciple makers.
Has the Church Lost Its Way?
Has the church, lost its way
Is it biblically sound?
Are we teaching to obey
So, disciple-makers are found?