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A New Baby

For our child learns to walk
In our footsteps each day
Let us follow the Master
Lest they learn other ways.

Modern Marriage

Seems marriage today
Lacks God at the center
Now, it’s all about ‘me’
With no plan, to surrender.


So, serve one another
And think of their best
Forgive, when they fail you
And try not to test.

Discounting Divorce

Instead of commitment
Honoring God, and spouse
We’re caught up, in a culture
Pleasing ‘self’ and our doubts.

Child Raising

These wounds we keep picking stay hurting and sore we delay them from healing, cause pain even more.

Building a Home

A house is a home
Where love, fills the rooms
Great concern to connect
Let laughter, lift gloom.

Bridges or Walls?

These wounds we keep picking stay hurting and sore we delay them from healing, cause pain even more.

Building a Home

A house is a home
Where love, fills the rooms
Great concern to connect
Let laughter, lift gloom