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Hear Me

You said “seek My face”
My heart said to You
Your face will I seek
Hide not from my view.

From Questions to Commitment

With each worldview different answers,
Made in God’s image, Judeo-Christian.
With only Jesus addressing evil,
Conquered sin, restores and listens.

Our Journey

Who am I, my meaning?
Just why am I here?
My purpose, my mission?
Few have ears to hear.

A Divine Moment

Do you wake in the morning
Ask God would reveal
To lead you each step
His Presence so real ?

Enjoy the Journey

As you journey life’s road
And you look up ahead
Do your seek God’s guidance
Or just cruise by, instead?


Love bears and believes
Love hopes all things
Shows patience and grace
Seeks clear understanding.

The Drama of Life

Remember our lives
Are played on a stage
That God has designed
With plans for each age.

Take the Time

Take time, to smell the roses
Listen to a hurting soul
Hold a hand, speak a kindness
Help restore, a sinner whole.


So, prepare well for heaven
Through Jesus, the Lord
Spend more time in prayer
And sharing God’s Word.

Death of a Loved One

In Christ, we shall join them
And dance hand in hand
In praise, adoration
Worship Jesus, the Lamb.