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God Sets the Rules

God sets the rules
He is LORD of all
Our Designer, Creator
Before Him, we fall.

His Rest and Peace

Our life’s full of troubles
Tribulations, each day
Yet instead of our resting
We keep struggling, our way.

Our Nation Adrift

So let us humbly repent
Let us battle, by His Spirit
Putting on, all His armor
Pray in earnest, without limit.

Thoughts, or Prayers?

So, be a faithful prayer warrior
Let us ask, seek and knock
Persevere daily in prayer
To see others unlocked.

Pray for our Nation

With no hope, save the Lord
Grant this nation, to awaken
Repentance, renewal
Lord, leave us not forsaken.

Godliness with Contentment

Godliness, with contentment
Is truly great gain
We brought naught in this world
And we exit, the same.

Daily Grace

Know grace, is given daily
For the need of the hour
So feed daily, on the Lord
On today’s grace, His power.