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His Rest and Peace

Our life’s full of troubles
Tribulations, each day
Yet instead of our resting
We keep struggling, our way.

To Grow our Faith

Since nothing, is too hard
For our great God, to fulfill
Trusting fully in God
Keep obeying His will.

Striving, or Resting?

But, if our vision is great
Let us therefore, come boldly
To His throne of grace
To obtain mercy from God
Come wholly rest, in His grace.

Pray God Liberates Libya

We pray, a great harvest
Throughout Libya, it’s people
Muslims embracing Christ
Turned from darkness and evil.

New Wineskins?

May our leaders, seek God’s wineskins
A fresh vison of Jesus’ call
A holy people, disciple-making
Going forth and reaching all.

Growing in Faith

Know God will reward
Those diligently seeking
Who by faith, obey
Both His call, and leading.