Resting or Wrestling?
Are you resting in Jesus
Or wrestling with stress
Wondering how to let go
And worry, far less?
Pressing into God
So, draw near to God
Repentant and yearning
Hungering and thirsting
Worshiping, and learning.
For You call me to partner
In Your image I’m made
To pray without ceasing
And see lives, remade.
Prayer is the Battle
For prayer, is the ground
Where God’s victory is won
So, persist and prevail
‘Till the enemy’s undone.
Morning Prayer
I awaken, give thanks
For a new day, O LORD
And this, I call to mind
Your loving kindness…am awed
LORD, Make Us Thy Fuel
So, renew and revive us
Restore us, we pray
Send the fire of Your Presence
Come down Lord, this day.
Lessons in Prayer
Yes learn, to first yield
‘Thy will, not mine’
Be dead, to ourself
‘LORD the glory, all Thine’.
Key Principles of Prayer
We’re presenting for prayer
Confessing known sin
Washed by Jesus’ blood
Now cleansed, pure within.
It Sometimes Gets Harder!
For the less we can do
The more we must trust
See more of God’s power
Unto Him, all entrust.
Cultivate Change
And do cultivate joy
Your heart upward raised
Instead of your grumbling
Thanksgiving and praise.