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Ever, Give Thanks

We’re made to give thanks
Praise God’s Holy Name
Yes, whatever our lot
Be grateful, all the same.

A Prayer for Help

Like the Psalmist of old
We cry out, poor and needy
Do preserve us, O God
Save your servants, our entreaty.

Thoughts, or Prayers?

So, be a faithful prayer warrior
Let us ask, seek and knock
Persevere daily in prayer
To see others unlocked.

Striving, or Resting?

But, if our vision is great
Let us therefore, come boldly
To His throne of grace
To obtain mercy from God
Come wholly rest, in His grace.

Strengthen our Faith

But, if our vision is great
Believe God, is Almighty
Omnipotent, omniscient
Then our faith too, is mighty.

Resting or Wrestling?

Are you resting in Jesus
Or wrestling with stress
Wondering how to let go
And worry, far less?

Persistence in Prayer

For He offers His people
To ask, seek and knock
To be patient, persistent
Heaven’s doors, He’ll unlock.

Our Blessed Hope

For in Him, resurrection
We arise from the dead
To an inheritance, incorruptible
That for us, waits ahead.

Lessons in Prayer

Yes learn, to first yield
‘Thy will, not mine’
Be dead, to ourself
‘LORD the glory, all Thine’.

From Bondage to Freedom

No longer, condemnation
For those in Christ Jesus
Who walk not, in the flesh
But let God’s Spirit, free us.