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God Uses Man

So forsake selfish wants
Earthly pleasures and pressures
Instead “Here am I”
“LORD, You are my treasure.”

Boldness and Courage

Recall, God has commanded
We be strong, of good courage
Are not afraid, nor dismayed
Nor are we discouraged.


For You call me to partner
In Your image I’m made
To pray without ceasing
And see lives, remade.

Pray like Hannah

So, saint as you pray
Persist in prayer, like manner
Resolute and resolved
Have great faith, be like Hannah.

Be Encouraged

Seems feelings, change often
Are not easily controlled
So we seek, passing pleasures
Hope our feelings, are consoled.

Be Daily Inspired

Be daily inspired
By God’s Holy Word
Pray the Spirit of God
Cause your heart, to be stirred.

Be Bold

Jesus calls us to go
Bold, as His disciples
But we’ve always excuses
Allow ‘self’, easily stifle.

Be a Prayer Warrior

If weak in prayer
We are weak, everywhere
But when mighty in prayer
God’s Spirit is there.