Restore Favor to the Land
As our nation has strayed
Turned far from our God
May Your people repent
Ask the LORD, to respond
Questioning God
Know His grace is sufficient
Despite darkness and bleakness
Do abandon all to Jesus
Claim His power, in your weakness.
Prayer is the Battle
For prayer, is the ground
Where God’s victory is won
So, persist and prevail
‘Till the enemy’s undone.
Prayer and Patience
But God is the LORD
So be patient and wait
He will answer on time
He’s not early, nor late.
Pray without Ceasing
So, lean not on your flesh
But obey, always the LORD
Yes, ceaselessly praying
See, great blessings poured.
Pray like Hannah
So, saint as you pray
Persist in prayer, like manner
Resolute and resolved
Have great faith, be like Hannah.
Pray God Liberates Libya
We pray, a great harvest
Throughout Libya, it’s people
Muslims embracing Christ
Turned from darkness and evil.
Persistence in Prayer
For He offers His people
To ask, seek and knock
To be patient, persistent
Heaven’s doors, He’ll unlock.
Passing Through the Waters
God assures we shall pass
Yes, thru’ deep waters go
But He will be with us
They shall not overflow.
Parched for Prayer
Yes, so little prayer time
And few, long on their knees
We’re so lacking, God-dependence
We mostly live, to self-please.