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Breathe Again, LORD

Breathe again, LORD
In this vessel of clay
Holy Spirit, come fill me
And use me, each day.

Breakthrough Prayer

Yes, in need of a breakthrough
That God would step in
Lest the enemies conquer
Through our weakness within.

Blocked Wells

Like Isaac of old
God leads us each day
Through trials, thro’ troubles
Blocked wells, on our way.

Blocked up Toilets

So see trials and troubles
As stepping stones, in faith
Trust Jesus to grow you
Learn to rest, in His grace.

Blessed or Barren?

Are you blessed in your life
Or still staying barren
So long to bear fruit
But it just doesn’t happen.

Bitter or Better?

Not to wallow in self
But instead, be God’s letter
A testimony of grace
Grow not bitter, but better.

Being Tested in the Dark

May we learn, to thank God
Worship Him, despite all
Fierce adversity, or blessings
Before God, humbly fall.

Be Exalted, O Lord

Be exalted O Lord
We lift You on high
Your Name above all
Upon You, all rely.

Be Encouraged

Seems feelings, change often
Are not easily controlled
So we seek, passing pleasures
Hope our feelings, are consoled.