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Send The Fire

Come fill, and anoint us
Rooted, grounded in love
Comprehending the greatness
Of Jesus love, from above.

Send The Fire, LORD

LORD God, send the fire
Upon us we pray
Hourly, and daily
Purify, have Your way.

Send Showers of Blessing

We are desperate for blessings
Need anointing, outpouring
With multitudes dead in sin
LORD revive, start restoring!

Seek But the Lord

Seek but the Lord
Not for what He can do
But simply enjoy Him
Alone, He and you.

Secrets of Prayer

Keep watching and praying
By the LORD, you’re assigned.
Yes, pray until victory
Let His Spirit guide.

Revival Hymn

“Here is Love” a hymn beloved
Widely sung, as God began
Pouring out, His mighty Spirit
Thro’ Evan Roberts, a Welshman.

Resting or Wrestling?

Are you resting in Jesus
Or wrestling with stress
Wondering how to let go
And worry, far less?

Remember to Pray

As His child crying “Abba”
Reach out through the day
For your needs, and others
Remember always, to pray.

Remember our Brethren

Remember our brethren
In starvation and need
Persecuted, forgotten
Daily, do intercede.