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Answered Prayer

All God states, He will do
All He promises, fulfills
Cannot lie, nor deceive
So, wait upon Him, be still.

Be Expectant in Prayer

Yet God invites us, to pray
Participate, in His plans
Bids us ask, seek and knock
To seek His will, not man’s.

Teach me to pray

LORD, teach me to pray
To wrestle in prayer
Persistent, prevailing
Your victories, declare.


For You call me to partner
In Your image I’m made
To pray without ceasing
And see lives, remade.

Prayer and Patience

But God is the LORD
So be patient and wait
He will answer on time
He’s not early, nor late.

Persistence in Prayer

For He offers His people
To ask, seek and knock
To be patient, persistent
Heaven’s doors, He’ll unlock.

Parched for Prayer

Yes, so little prayer time
And few, long on their knees
We’re so lacking, God-dependence
We mostly live, to self-please.

Lessons in Prayer

Yes learn, to first yield
‘Thy will, not mine’
Be dead, to ourself
‘LORD the glory, all Thine’.

Learning To Pray

To our Father in heaven
Jesus taught us to pray
Hallowed be Your Name
For Your kingdom, Your way.

If Prayer Seems Unanswered

For prayers, still unanswered
God, speak to my ear
Are there steps I should take?
And if not…persevere.