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Assessing Health of our Churches

Yes, we’ve preaching and teaching
But few were taught disciple making
May feed the poor and needy
But few churches, are reproducing.

Answered Prayer

All God states, He will do
All He promises, fulfills
Cannot lie, nor deceive
So, wait upon Him, be still.

Be Expectant in Prayer

Yet God invites us, to pray
Participate, in His plans
Bids us ask, seek and knock
To seek His will, not man’s.

Keys to Prayer

Our High Priest, the LORD Jesus
Who taught us to pray
By His Spirit, in our weakness
Intercedes, leads the way.

Win the Prayer Battles!

So, until that day comes
When all evil is ended
Claim victory, in prayer
Overcome, we’re defended.

Victory in Prayer

Know, our God will not fail
We will taste no defeat
For He ever conquers
Come worship, at His feet.

Unceasing Prayer

Unceasing prayer means victory
For then we truly lean
Not on our strength and wisdom
But heavenly power, unseen.

That Innermost Place

Do you seek to withdraw
To that innermost place?
There, we step aside
Meet the God of all grace.

Teach me to pray

LORD, teach me to pray
To wrestle in prayer
Persistent, prevailing
Your victories, declare.

Secrets of Prayer

Keep watching and praying
By the LORD, you’re assigned.
Yes, pray until victory
Let His Spirit guide.