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Wait for God’s Answers

Wait for God’s answers
Don’t struggle and stress
Quieten your heart
For His time, is best.

Victory in Prayer

Know, our God will not fail
We will taste no defeat
For He ever conquers
Come worship, at His feet.

Secrets of Prayer

Keep watching and praying
By the LORD, you’re assigned.
Yes, pray until victory
Let His Spirit guide.

Pray for our Nation

With no hope, save the Lord
Grant this nation, to awaken
Repentance, renewal
Lord, leave us not forsaken.

Prayer and Patience

But God is the LORD
So be patient and wait
He will answer on time
He’s not early, nor late.

Pray without Ceasing

So, lean not on your flesh
But obey, always the LORD
Yes, ceaselessly praying
See, great blessings poured.

Pray for our Country

Need renewal, revival
Discipline Your disciples
O God, cleanse our land
From godlessness, and idols.

Lessons in Prayer

Yes learn, to first yield
‘Thy will, not mine’
Be dead, to ourself
‘LORD the glory, all Thine’.

Lamp Problems?

Is your light shining bright
For the glory of God
Or has your wick dimmed
On the journey you trod?