Sounds Strange!
So, our God allows trials
That our faith be tenacious
Great faith, be made complete
To be perfected, need patience.
Secrets of Prayer
Keep watching and praying
By the LORD, you’re assigned.
Yes, pray until victory
Let His Spirit guide.
Resting or Wrestling?
Are you resting in Jesus
Or wrestling with stress
Wondering how to let go
And worry, far less?
Preparing for Prayer
Preparing for prayer
Abide in Jesus’ vine
Ask His Spirit be poured
Call on the Lord, Divine
Praying with Confidence
Since our God, is all able
Creator, of heavens and earth
Sent Jesus, bought our salvation
How we’re valued, of great worth.
For You call me to partner
In Your image I’m made
To pray without ceasing
And see lives, remade.
Pray like Hannah
So, saint as you pray
Persist in prayer, like manner
Resolute and resolved
Have great faith, be like Hannah.
Pray God Liberates Libya
We pray, a great harvest
Throughout Libya, it’s people
Muslims embracing Christ
Turned from darkness and evil.
Pray for Somalia
Yes LORD, open doors
Despite such oppression
Midst violence and fear
Make Somalia, Your possession.
Pray for North Koreans
LORD, open their eyes
Set North Koreans free
From darkness to light May their multitudes see.