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Our Prayers

Not merely our words
But prayer, is our heart
Expressing our passions
Our most inner part.

Our Prayer Battles

So, persevering in prayer
Asking God, to guide
How to pray, what to claim
He’ll reply, and provide.

Our Faith

So, by faith offering God
What is pleasing to Him
Believe that He is
Rewards those seeking Him.

If Prayer Seems Unanswered

For prayers, still unanswered
God, speak to my ear
Are there steps I should take?
And if not…persevere.

Babe of Bethlehem

Born helpless and needy
Jesus came, just as we
But this risen Savior
Now sets captives free.

Anxious for Nothing

Be anxious for nothing
But in everything, by prayer
And supplication, with thanksgiving
Let God hear your cares.