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Remember to Pray

As His child crying “Abba”
Reach out through the day
For your needs, and others
Remember always, to pray.

Remember our Brethren

Remember our brethren
In starvation and need
Persecuted, forgotten
Daily, do intercede.

Pray for our Nation

With no hope, save the Lord
Grant this nation, to awaken
Repentance, renewal
Lord, leave us not forsaken.

Pray for our Country

Need renewal, revival
Discipline Your disciples
O God, cleanse our land
From godlessness, and idols.

Learning To Pray

To our Father in heaven
Jesus taught us to pray
Hallowed be Your Name
For Your kingdom, Your way.

If Prayer Seems Unanswered

For prayers, still unanswered
God, speak to my ear
Are there steps I should take?
And if not…persevere.

Heart Prayer

We have but to heart-cry
Even if not speaking
The LORD surely hears
All that you are seeking.

Daily Prayer

So today, ask dear LORD
Come fill every part
I surrender my body
My spirit, and heart.