Our Worship – Accepted or Rejected
But washed clean, before we offer
As in the Tabernacle, with laver
Now Jesus’ blood, still sanctifies
So, our heart and offerings, find favor.
Our Nation Adrift
So let us humbly repent
Let us battle, by His Spirit
Putting on, all His armor
Pray in earnest, without limit.
Always Pray
So, pray in accord
With His Word, and ways
Every promise proclaim
Thro’ our lives, all our days.
Start Dying, Begin Living
Cry out for forgiveness
Accept Jesus’ gift
Exchange our rebellion
His death, bridged the rift.
Will You Pray?
And tell Him in worship
He is all that you need
If prayerfully awaiting
God will answer indeed.
Full of Self, or God’s Glory?
We have one life on earth
How will it be spent
Self-effort, self- sufficient
Or lived, as God meant?
Keys to Prayer
Our High Priest, the LORD Jesus
Who taught us to pray
By His Spirit, in our weakness
Intercedes, leads the way.
Walk in God’s Love
Yes Lord, let Your love
Be poured in my heart
No longer I live
May Christ, fill each part.
Unceasing Prayer
Unceasing prayer means victory
For then we truly lean
Not on our strength and wisdom
But heavenly power, unseen.
Set us on Fire
To be fuel, for Your fire
May this light, burn bright
As a beacon of hope
So lost souls, find sight.