In Our Weakness
We may stumble in prayer
But God’s Spirit, is pleading
To pray, on our behalf
For us, ever interceding.
If Prayer Seems Unanswered
For prayers, still unanswered
God, speak to my ear
Are there steps I should take?
And if not…persevere.
Fighting in Prayer
And the fiercer the fight
The more we depend
On our Captain, His army
To defeat and defend.
Don’t Stop Praying
I keep asking and seeking
Knocking and believing
For heavenly showers
With the Lord, I keep pleading.
Desperate Prayer
Yes, you’ve come to the place
Of desperate prayer
Your heart is so torn
Need God, show His care.
Constant Prayer
Communing with God
Being constant in prayer
Amidst fiery darts
Distractions, despair.
Breakthrough Prayer
Yes, in need of a breakthrough
That God would step in
Lest the enemies conquer
Through our weakness within.
Be Anxious for Nothing
For all trusting Him wholly
Find Him, wholly true
While those trusting self
Remain anxious, feel blue.
Be a Prayer Warrior
If weak in prayer
We are weak, everywhere
But when mighty in prayer
God’s Spirit is there.
Be a Prayer Soldier
Yes, do ask, ’twill be given
Do seek, you will find
Do knock, will be opened
Our heavenly Father, is kind.