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Draw Near, Keep Abiding

So stay daily, in communion
In God’s Word, in His Presence
Walk in His Spirit, and draw near
Keep abiding, in God’s essence.

Church Prayer Meeting

So little energy and time
Few invest in prayer
’Tis no great surprise
God’s blessings aren’t there.


For You call me to partner
In Your image I’m made
To pray without ceasing
And see lives, remade.

Prayer and Patience

But God is the LORD
So be patient and wait
He will answer on time
He’s not early, nor late.

Pray without Ceasing

So, lean not on your flesh
But obey, always the LORD
Yes, ceaselessly praying
See, great blessings poured.

Persistence in Prayer

For He offers His people
To ask, seek and knock
To be patient, persistent
Heaven’s doors, He’ll unlock.

Parched for Prayer

Yes, so little prayer time
And few, long on their knees
We’re so lacking, God-dependence
We mostly live, to self-please.

In Our Weakness

We may stumble in prayer
But God’s Spirit, is pleading
To pray, on our behalf
For us, ever interceding.

Constant Prayer

Communing with God
Being constant in prayer
Amidst fiery darts
Distractions, despair.

Be Anxious for Nothing

For all trusting Him wholly
Find Him, wholly true
While those trusting self
Remain anxious, feel blue.