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Draw Near, Keep Abiding

So stay daily, in communion
In God’s Word, in His Presence
Walk in His Spirit, and draw near
Keep abiding, in God’s essence.

Keep Interceding

That instead, of selfish pleasures
Intercede, for more salvations
The Lord Jesus, returns soon
We must pray for all nations.

Our Nation Adrift

So let us humbly repent
Let us battle, by His Spirit
Putting on, all His armor
Pray in earnest, without limit.

Daily Hunger for God

We must hunger for God
Abide daily, in Jesus’ vine
Come dwell in His courts
We’re made dependent, by design.

Church Prayer Meeting

So little energy and time
Few invest in prayer
’Tis no great surprise
God’s blessings aren’t there.

Win the Prayer Battles!

So, until that day comes
When all evil is ended
Claim victory, in prayer
Overcome, we’re defended.

Victory in Prayer

Know, our God will not fail
We will taste no defeat
For He ever conquers
Come worship, at His feet.

Unceasing Prayer

Unceasing prayer means victory
For then we truly lean
Not on our strength and wisdom
But heavenly power, unseen.

The Underground Church

So, remember they’re family
Forget not, stay prayerful
Your brothers and sisters
In Christ… do be faithful.