Be Expectant in Prayer
Yet God invites us, to pray
Participate, in His plans
Bids us ask, seek and knock
To seek His will, not man’s.
Keys to Prayer
Our High Priest, the LORD Jesus
Who taught us to pray
By His Spirit, in our weakness
Intercedes, leads the way.
Church Prayer Meeting
So little energy and time
Few invest in prayer
’Tis no great surprise
God’s blessings aren’t there.
Victory in Prayer
Know, our God will not fail
We will taste no defeat
For He ever conquers
Come worship, at His feet.
Restore Favor to the Land
As our nation has strayed
Turned far from our God
May Your people repent
Ask the LORD, to respond
Remember to Pray
As His child crying “Abba”
Reach out through the day
For your needs, and others
Remember always, to pray.
Preparing for Prayer
Preparing for prayer
Abide in Jesus’ vine
Ask His Spirit be poured
Call on the Lord, Divine
For You call me to partner
In Your image I’m made
To pray without ceasing
And see lives, remade.
Prayer is the Battle
For prayer, is the ground
Where God’s victory is won
So, persist and prevail
‘Till the enemy’s undone.
Pray for our Nation
With no hope, save the Lord
Grant this nation, to awaken
Repentance, renewal
Lord, leave us not forsaken.