LORD, Make Us Thy Fuel
So, renew and revive us
Restore us, we pray
Send the fire of Your Presence
Come down Lord, this day.
Lessons in Prayer
Yes learn, to first yield
‘Thy will, not mine’
Be dead, to ourself
‘LORD the glory, all Thine’.
Learning To Pray
To our Father in heaven
Jesus taught us to pray
Hallowed be Your Name
For Your kingdom, Your way.
Do teach us to pray
To wrestle in prayer
With compassion, conviction
Certain our God, does care.
‘Instant’ Prayer
Yes, God will reply
As we lift holy hands
Be persistent, prevailing
Await on God’s plans.
In Our Weakness
We may stumble in prayer
But God’s Spirit, is pleading
To pray, on our behalf
For us, ever interceding.
In God, We Trust
Ever faithful and true
His Word cannot fail
Fulfilling each promise
Will perform and prevail.
If Prayer Seems Unanswered
For prayers, still unanswered
God, speak to my ear
Are there steps I should take?
And if not…persevere.
How Big is our Faith?
So, in prayer think not ‘how’
But rather, center on ‘Who’
‘Tis the God, of all creation
Who is listening to you.
Growing in Faith
Know God will reward
Those diligently seeking
Who by faith, obey
Both His call, and leading.