Great Faith, God is Able
Fully trusting God’s promises
With obedience to His word
Being steadfastness in prayer
By circumstances, undeterred.
Church Leaders in Disciple-Making?
So let us focus, on Jesus’ mission
Train in outreach, disciple-making
Equip the saints, reach the world
Role modeling, and mentoring!
Draw Near, Keep Abiding
So stay daily, in communion
In God’s Word, in His Presence
Walk in His Spirit, and draw near
Keep abiding, in God’s essence.
Keep Interceding
That instead, of selfish pleasures
Intercede, for more salvations
The Lord Jesus, returns soon
We must pray for all nations.
Our Nation Adrift
So let us humbly repent
Let us battle, by His Spirit
Putting on, all His armor
Pray in earnest, without limit.
Only Three Years
So, He trained and role-modeled
Not spectators, but partakers
As He discipled His followers
To be faithful, disciple-makers.
Missing in Churches?…Making Disciple-Makers
While many churches, think revival
Are not equipping and training
How to go, make new disciples
That go forth, disciple-making.
Always Pray
So, pray in accord
With His Word, and ways
Every promise proclaim
Thro’ our lives, all our days.
Daily Hunger for God
We must hunger for God
Abide daily, in Jesus’ vine
Come dwell in His courts
We’re made dependent, by design.
A Hunger for God, and for Souls
So, daily hunger for God
For hungry souls, that yearn
To follow Jesus, and multiply
A fruitful harvest, in return.