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Answered Prayer

All God states, He will do
All He promises, fulfills
Cannot lie, nor deceive
So, wait upon Him, be still.

Be Expectant in Prayer

Yet God invites us, to pray
Participate, in His plans
Bids us ask, seek and knock
To seek His will, not man’s.

Ever, Give Thanks

We’re made to give thanks
Praise God’s Holy Name
Yes, whatever our lot
Be grateful, all the same.

A Prayer for Help

Like the Psalmist of old
We cry out, poor and needy
Do preserve us, O God
Save your servants, our entreaty.

Win the Prayer Battles!

So, until that day comes
When all evil is ended
Claim victory, in prayer
Overcome, we’re defended.

Victory in Prayer

Know, our God will not fail
We will taste no defeat
For He ever conquers
Come worship, at His feet.

Thoughts, or Prayers?

So, be a faithful prayer warrior
Let us ask, seek and knock
Persevere daily in prayer
To see others unlocked.

Remember to Pray

As His child crying “Abba”
Reach out through the day
For your needs, and others
Remember always, to pray.

Quiet Time with God

Yes, pray for God’s Spirit
Come speak to your soul
Not rushing while reading
Lest from Him, time you stole.

Pressing into God

So, draw near to God
Repentant and yearning
Hungering and thirsting
Worshiping, and learning.