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Earthen Vessels

So dear saint, do not focus
On outer flaws, your external
Know God searches hearts
‘Tis our soul, that’s eternal.

Duped by Distractions?

Are you caught up with ‘life’
Desires of the flesh
Deceived by the devil
Let this world enmesh?

Don’t Stop Praying

I keep asking and seeking
Knocking and believing
For heavenly showers
With the Lord, I keep pleading.

Does God Answer?

In the day of my trouble
I will call upon You
For You will answer me
You are faithful, and true.

Do You Respond This Way?

But instead, love your enemies
Do good, should they hate you
Bless them, that curse you
Pray for those, who despise you.

Desperate Prayer

Yes, you’ve come to the place
Of desperate prayer
Your heart is so torn
Need God, show His care.

Deny Self and Be Filled

Jesus told us, deny self
And take up our cross
Come follow after Him
Count all else as loss.

Deny Self

You must give up all ‘rights’
Your old life, a ‘foreclosure’
Since redeemed, by Christ Jesus
You are His, a new owner.

Dealing with Feelings

Are you dealing with feelings
The ups and downs?
Our emotions, so powerful
To which we seem bound.

Dealing with Doubt

Know faith comes from hearing
Believe, read God’s Word
God’s people stepped out
Obeying what’s heard.