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My People

Though God has chastised
They faced every threat
But His Covenant people
He does not forget.

My Jewish Background

Grew up with tradition
Lived under the Law
Rabbinical Judaism, Yiddish
Was the life that I saw.

Morning Prayer

I awaken, give thanks
For a new day, O LORD
And this, I call to mind
Your loving kindness…am awed

Modern Israel

Scattered, through sin
The scriptures foretold
Now fulfilling prophesy
God’s Word of old.


May Your Glory Come Down

May Your glory come down
That multitudes may see
LORD God, open eyes
Let more captives go free.

Marvelous Faith

Jesus marveled, in wonder
To His disciples, revealing
The centurion’s great faith
For his servant’s healing.

Loving the Darkness?

With many hating the light
Truly, loving the darkness
Still consider, they’re ‘good’
But reject God, in hardness.

LORD, Open their Eyes

Are you praying for family
For friends, for the nations
Asking, the LORD send
Great conviction, condemnation.

LORD, Make Us Thy Fuel

So, renew and revive us
Restore us, we pray
Send the fire of Your Presence
Come down Lord, this day.