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Our New True Self

As you look in the mirror
Who do you see
A child of the King
Or, the old fallen ‘me’?

Our Hope

Awaiting Your coming
Our hope, so blessed
Your glorious appearing
Unfailing love, expressed.

Our Garden

Our life is a garden
We tend, and we sow
Bright flowers, or weeds
We choose what will grow.

Our Faith

So, by faith offering God
What is pleasing to Him
Believe that He is
Rewards those seeking Him.

Our Blessed Hope

For in Him, resurrection
We arise from the dead
To an inheritance, incorruptible
That for us, waits ahead.

New Wineskins?

May our leaders, seek God’s wineskins
A fresh vison of Jesus’ call
A holy people, disciple-making
Going forth and reaching all.

O Lord, Come and Fill

Since this vessel, is dry
I come open, and empty
O Lord, come and fill
From Your rivers of plenty.

O Come, Holy Spirit

Control and compel me
Conform me to Christ
Consume all the dross
His blood has sufficed.