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Prune Me

Yes Lord, prune my branch
To be all You desire
For my longing and yearning
Is to lift You up, higher.

Prone To Wander

Yes, so strengthened in faith
That I pray, and not stray
Neither wander, nor slip
But only trust You, and obey.

Profane Fire

So, study the Scriptures
Of men’s motives and methods
For what the LORD seeks
To be used, as His vessel.

The Holocaust

Over six million Jews
In Europe were slain
Sadistically murdered
Causing mayhem and pain.

The Jew

The mystery of history
The Jew still remains
Preserved, indestructible
Despite sorrow and pain.

Pressing into God

So, draw near to God
Repentant and yearning
Hungering and thirsting
Worshiping, and learning.

Preparing for Prayer

Preparing for prayer
Abide in Jesus’ vine
Ask His Spirit be poured
Call on the Lord, Divine

Praying with Confidence

Since our God, is all able
Creator, of heavens and earth
Sent Jesus, bought our salvation
How we’re valued, of great worth.


For You call me to partner
In Your image I’m made
To pray without ceasing
And see lives, remade.

Prayer is the Battle

For prayer, is the ground
Where God’s victory is won
So, persist and prevail
‘Till the enemy’s undone.