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Daily Seek Revival

May Your Spirit revive me
Your life lived in me
That I bring You much glory
That many others, see Thee.

A Circumcised Heart

A new creature in Christ
The old, has passed away
A circumcision, without hands
Jesus opened, a new way.

The Chabad

With no Temple, no blood offering
God’s Law and Prophets foretold
They deny Messiah, Yeshua
Who alone … for all atoned.

Answered Prayer

All God states, He will do
All He promises, fulfills
Cannot lie, nor deceive
So, wait upon Him, be still.

Be Expectant in Prayer

Yet God invites us, to pray
Participate, in His plans
Bids us ask, seek and knock
To seek His will, not man’s.

Believing Lies

The deception of Satan
Is no different today
He appeals to our thoughts
To our desires, lead us astray.

Be Dead to Sin

Our repentance, often shallow
More remorse, and regret
Not turning and fleeing
From pet sins, that beset.

Keys to Prayer

Our High Priest, the LORD Jesus
Who taught us to pray
By His Spirit, in our weakness
Intercedes, leads the way.