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Be Secure in God’s Love

For His love in Christ Jesus
Our Lord, is love eternal
We are forever, in His hand
More than secure, His love encircles.

Will You Pray?

And tell Him in worship
He is all that you need
If prayerfully awaiting
God will answer indeed.

Assessing Health of our Churches

Yes, we’ve preaching and teaching
But few were taught disciple making
May feed the poor and needy
But few churches, are reproducing.

Our Body, His Temple

So dear saint, seek purity
Flee immorality, lust
Let our body, God’s Temple
Be sanctified, in His trust.

Sealed by God’s Spirit

Know if trusting, believing
The gospel of Jesus’ salvation
By the pledge, of His Spirit
We are sealed, His new creation!

What Bugs You?

Yes, those bugs and frustrations
God allows, each our way
Are to get our attention
Cause us turn, and obey.

Rabbinical or Messianic Judaism?

“Therefore, you shall be perfect
Just as your Father in heaven”
Yeshua, the perfect Lamb of God
Messiah’s offering, for our transgression.

Worship our God

With my heart, ever hungry
Am so thirsty Lord, for You
So desiring, Your Presence
Your Word, is ever true.

‘Self’…My Old Nature

So now repentant, trusting Him
Born anew, from above
We are now, His own possession
Redeemed, by Jesus’ love.