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Living Water

His living waters, purify
Bring us life, tho’ we are dead
No other waters, no other way
Alone our fountain, our living head.

Rivers of Living Waters

And God warns by deserting
We become wayward people
As we drink, from broken cisterns
We commit two great evils.

Walk with the Lord

Take hold of me, LORD
Completely possess
Come fill every part
Transform me, and bless.

Revive Your Work

Do send an awakening
We yearn Your arrival
Lost souls born anew
Send renewal, revival.

Revival Hymn

“Here is Love” a hymn beloved
Widely sung, as God began
Pouring out, His mighty Spirit
Thro’ Evan Roberts, a Welshman.

Overcoming Attitudes

So, friend do drink deeply
Of His living waters, each day
That your mind-set, your attitude
Is to but love, and obey.

Our Garden

Our life is a garden
We tend, and we sow
Bright flowers, or weeds
We choose what will grow.

O Lord, Come and Fill

Since this vessel, is dry
I come open, and empty
O Lord, come and fill
From Your rivers of plenty.