Are You Needing to Change?
Daily follow and abide
Lift to Him, every thought
As I feed on Your Word
Obey all I am taught.
By God’s Spirit
By Your Spirit, I’m reborn
By Your Spirit, empower
By Your Spirit, do direct
By Your Spirit, overpower.
God’s Fountain, or Our Cisterns?
With other cisterns, we still thirst But not the waters, Jesus gives
Becomes a fountain, within us
Springing up, forever lives.
Rivers of Living Waters
And God warns by deserting
We become wayward people
As we drink, from broken cisterns
We commit two great evils.
Church Prayer Meeting
So little energy and time
Few invest in prayer
’Tis no great surprise
God’s blessings aren’t there.
Walk with the Lord
Take hold of me, LORD
Completely possess
Come fill every part
Transform me, and bless.
Set us on Fire
To be fuel, for Your fire
May this light, burn bright
As a beacon of hope
So lost souls, find sight.
Send The Fire
Come fill, and anoint us
Rooted, grounded in love
Comprehending the greatness
Of Jesus love, from above.
Revive Your Work
Do send an awakening
We yearn Your arrival
Lost souls born anew
Send renewal, revival.
Passing Through the Waters
God assures we shall pass
Yes, thru’ deep waters go
But He will be with us
They shall not overflow.