Out of Control?
Not by our own efforts
Our flesh, cannot conquer
We need Jesus’ power
Without Him, we falter.
And as a branch, in His vine
Jesus tells us, keep abiding
To bear fruit, of God’s Spirit
His ‘Self-control’, He is providing.
Sexual Immorality
As the High Priest, wore a plate
“Holiness to the LORD”, engraved
Let us daily, give God glory
Live in holiness, be not depraved.
Walk in the Spirit or Flesh?
For if ignoring, or ignorant
Of God’s truth and reality
We’re poorly armed in the fight
Against temptation, so face calamity.
Israel and her Foes
And yet our hope is not in weapons
The arm of flesh, will fail
Pray Israel trust in the LORD
Know her Messiah, wholly prevail.
Leave No Leaven!
So like Israel, we too co-habit
Instead of purging, die to self
Compromising, we let our flesh
Pursue the carnal, and worldly wealth.
Are You Needing to Change?
Daily follow and abide
Lift to Him, every thought
As I feed on Your Word
Obey all I am taught.
By God’s Spirit
By Your Spirit, I’m reborn
By Your Spirit, empower
By Your Spirit, do direct
By Your Spirit, overpower.
There Nothing Fades
Yes, our new heavenly home
All so perfect, and pure
Our eternal abode
And forever secure.
The Best Christmas Gift
This Christmas, remember
The gift that God gave
His beloved dear Son
To seek and to save.