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Questioning God

Know His grace is sufficient
Despite darkness and bleakness
Do abandon all to Jesus
Claim His power, in your weakness.

Our Hope

Awaiting Your coming
Our hope, so blessed
Your glorious appearing
Unfailing love, expressed.

Our Blessed Hope

For in Him, resurrection
We arise from the dead
To an inheritance, incorruptible
That for us, waits ahead.

Modern Israel

Scattered, through sin
The scriptures foretold
Now fulfilling prophesy
God’s Word of old.


How To Change     

Fulfilling the Scriptures
Yeshua, God’s Son
Atones for our sins
Thro’ Him, battles are won.

Heaven’s My Home

Since heaven’s my home
Am here, passing through
So, am anxious for naught
For my God’s ever true.


Know Christ is our Rock
Our beginning and end
Our faith wholly rests
On the Savior, God sent.

Baby Ruth

And tossed baby Ruth
Into the bushes
Yet God surely guarded
As with Moses, midst bushes.

Babe of Bethlehem

Born helpless and needy
Jesus came, just as we
But this risen Savior
Now sets captives free.