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Keep Interceding

That instead, of selfish pleasures
Intercede, for more salvations
The Lord Jesus, returns soon
We must pray for all nations.

Leave No Leaven!

So like Israel, we too co-habit
Instead of purging, die to self
Compromising, we let our flesh
Pursue the carnal, and worldly wealth.

Always Pray

So, pray in accord
With His Word, and ways
Every promise proclaim
Thro’ our lives, all our days.

Daily Hunger for God

We must hunger for God
Abide daily, in Jesus’ vine
Come dwell in His courts
We’re made dependent, by design.

God Uses Man

So forsake selfish wants
Earthly pleasures and pressures
Instead “Here am I”
“LORD, You are my treasure.”

Will You Pray?

And tell Him in worship
He is all that you need
If prayerfully awaiting
God will answer indeed.

Sealed by God’s Spirit

Know if trusting, believing
The gospel of Jesus’ salvation
By the pledge, of His Spirit
We are sealed, His new creation!

Be Dead to Sin

Our repentance, often shallow
More remorse, and regret
Not turning and fleeing
From pet sins, that beset.