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Render Him All

So, not passive withholding
But praying, and caring
Preparing and sharing
Boldly go forth, declaring.

Prune Me

Yes Lord, prune my branch
To be all You desire
For my longing and yearning
Is to lift You up, higher.

Pray for God’s Will

Jesus taught us, to pray
To our Father in heaven
That His will be done
On earth as in heaven.

Overcoming Weakness

For Jesus only, our Creator
Living in us, He can supply
His grace, ever sufficient
Simply trust Him, and abide.

Our New True Self

As you look in the mirror
Who do you see
A child of the King
Or, the old fallen ‘me’?

Our Blessed Hope

For in Him, resurrection
We arise from the dead
To an inheritance, incorruptible
That for us, waits ahead.

Living Waters

Thirst for Jesus’, living waters
And walk in God’s Spirit
Set your mind on His Word
“LORD, this vessel, daily fill it”.

Heaven’s My Home

Since heaven’s my home
Am here, passing through
So, am anxious for naught
For my God’s ever true.

Deny Self and Be Filled

Jesus told us, deny self
And take up our cross
Come follow after Him
Count all else as loss.