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Our Soul

Then live, as God designed
For God’s glory and purpose
Feeding on the Bread of Life
Our soul, in His service.

Our Spirit, Soul and Body

With now our body, His Temple
Glorify God, in all He gives
Our soul, belongs to God
By His Spirit, our spirit lives.

Daily Seek Revival

May Your Spirit revive me
Your life lived in me
That I bring You much glory
That many others, see Thee.

Awaken Us

In the midst of our darkness
God in mercy, send light
An awakening, to revive us
By Your Spirit, to ignite.

Lessons from Iran

With a focus on obeying
God’s truths, they go share
More multiplying disciples
Prayerfully go, everywhere.

Revive Us, O LORD

Shake us and wake us
Revive us O Lord
Send down the fires
May Your Spirit be poured.

So Blessed!

And beyond death, life eternal
Before His glory, we’ll be
Assured, forever with Jesus
O how blessed, are we!