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Our Battles are Won

For Jesus only, our Creator
Living in us, He can supply
His grace, ever sufficient
Simply trust Him, and abide.

Revive Us, O LORD

Shake us and wake us
Revive us O Lord
Send down the fires
May Your Spirit be poured.

Awake Us, O LORD

Shake us and wake us
Revive us, O Lord
Send down the fires
May Your Spirit, be poured.

Living Water

His living waters, purify
Bring us life, tho’ we are dead
No other waters, no other way
Alone our fountain, our living head.

An Awakening, A Revival

An Awakening, a Revival
Doesn’t happen by chance
God is seeking a tinder
A praying warrior, to advance.

Flesh or Spirit?

In Christ we are righteous
Through Him, overcome
By His Spirit, victorious
Our battles are won!

Without a Vision

Without a vision
The people will perish
Need a future and hope
God’s Word, to cherish.

Our Soul Set Free

In Christ, free from sin’s guilt
And free from sin’s power
Let us walk in God’s love
Each step, and each hour.

Daily Hunger for God

We must hunger for God
Abide daily, in Jesus’ vine
Come dwell in His courts
We’re made dependent, by design.

Setting Our Mind

Yes, am setting my mind
Asking for God’s grace
Not stuck in life’s mire
Seek His thoughts, to replace.