Do Run From Her Door
God’s wisdom will keep us
From these evil ways
So, hear instruction
Trust God, and obey.
Revive Your Work
Do send an awakening
We yearn Your arrival
Lost souls born anew
Send renewal, revival.
Remade in God’s Image
Yes, remade in His image
Now reflecting His goodness
The fruits of His Spirit
Stay filled, with His fullness.
Quiet Time with God
Yes, pray for God’s Spirit
Come speak to your soul
Not rushing while reading
Lest from Him, time you stole.
Pursue God’s Love
Love seeks not, its own
Is not provoked, nor evil
Nor rejoices in iniquity
But in truth, loving people.
Prune Me
Yes Lord, prune my branch
To be all You desire
For my longing and yearning
Is to lift You up, higher.
Pray like Hannah
So, saint as you pray
Persist in prayer, like manner
Resolute and resolved
Have great faith, be like Hannah.
Pray for God’s Will
Jesus taught us, to pray
To our Father in heaven
That His will be done
On earth as in heaven.
Passing Through the Waters
God assures we shall pass
Yes, thru’ deep waters go
But He will be with us
They shall not overflow.
Overcoming Weakness
For Jesus only, our Creator
Living in us, He can supply
His grace, ever sufficient
Simply trust Him, and abide.