A Key to Suffering
For our focus is body
But God speaks to the soul
Our faith, His redemption
These make a man whole.
Use Me, for Your Glory
Do sanctify, purify
This vessel of clay
And use for Your glory
Your plans, each day.
To Grow our Faith
Since nothing, is too hard
For our great God, to fulfill
Trusting fully in God
Keep obeying His will.
Take Me Deeper
Take me deeper, dear Lord
Beyond feelings and thought
Come fill with Your Spirit
To live, as I ought.
Striving, or Resting?
But, if our vision is great
Let us therefore, come boldly
To His throne of grace
To obtain mercy from God
Come wholly rest, in His grace.
Strengthen our Faith
But, if our vision is great
Believe God, is Almighty
Omnipotent, omniscient
Then our faith too, is mighty.
Set us on Fire
To be fuel, for Your fire
May this light, burn bright
As a beacon of hope
So lost souls, find sight.
Send The Fire
Come fill, and anoint us
Rooted, grounded in love
Comprehending the greatness
Of Jesus love, from above.
Send The Fire, LORD
LORD God, send the fire
Upon us we pray
Hourly, and daily
Purify, have Your way.
Seek an ‘Impossible’ Faith
An ‘impossible’ faith
Grows from passion within
A great vision of God
And a battle to win.