A little OCD?
Set free, from compulsion
He restores our behavior
Our minds are renewed
What a wonderful Savior.
Our Daily Walk
Incline our hearts
Walk all His ways
Do all God says
All of our days.
A Hunger for God, and for Souls
So, daily hunger for God
For hungry souls, that yearn
To follow Jesus, and multiply
A fruitful harvest, in return.
Our Spirit, Soul and Body
With now our body, His Temple
Glorify God, in all He gives
Our soul, belongs to God
By His Spirit, our spirit lives.
God Uses Man
So forsake selfish wants
Earthly pleasures and pressures
Instead “Here am I”
“LORD, You are my treasure.”
Counting our Blessings
So many riches, in Christ
We are rich, beyond measure
A weight of glory, eternal
In Christ Jesus, our treasure.
God’s Morality or Mine?
For each day, we must choose
God’s morality, or mine
Follow His right and wrong
May we abide, in His vine.
Will You Pray?
And tell Him in worship
He is all that you need
If prayerfully awaiting
God will answer indeed.
Our Body, His Temple
So dear saint, seek purity
Flee immorality, lust
Let our body, God’s Temple
Be sanctified, in His trust.
Sealed by God’s Spirit
Know if trusting, believing
The gospel of Jesus’ salvation
By the pledge, of His Spirit
We are sealed, His new creation!