And while God offers good
Temptation brings evil
Understanding our choice
Be His righteous people.
Taught by Trials
Therefore, welcome your trials
Your waiting, and suffering
Since God is perfecting
Become His fragrant offering.
Suffering-God’s Path to Blessings
In Jesus’ suffering, God’s path
To bless fallen man
In His cross, our daily dying
God has shown us, His plan.
Suffering Saints
‘In Me, you have peace’
Spoke Jesus, God’s Son
‘In the world, tribulation
Be courageous… I’ve overcome’.
When confronted by suffering
With reasons unclear
Will we choose to grow better
Or grow bitter, with fears.
Striving, or Resting?
But, if our vision is great
Let us therefore, come boldly
To His throne of grace
To obtain mercy from God
Come wholly rest, in His grace.
Strengthen our Faith
But, if our vision is great
Believe God, is Almighty
Omnipotent, omniscient
Then our faith too, is mighty.
Sounds Strange!
So, our God allows trials
That our faith be tenacious
Great faith, be made complete
To be perfected, need patience.
Seek an ‘Impossible’ Faith
An ‘impossible’ faith
Grows from passion within
A great vision of God
And a battle to win.
Do Run From Her Door
God’s wisdom will keep us
From these evil ways
So, hear instruction
Trust God, and obey.