In God, We Trust
Ever faithful and true
His Word cannot fail
Fulfilling each promise
Will perform and prevail.
How To Change
Fulfilling the Scriptures
Yeshua, God’s Son
Atones for our sins
Thro’ Him, battles are won.
How Big is our Faith?
So, in prayer think not ‘how’
But rather, center on ‘Who’
‘Tis the God, of all creation
Who is listening to you.
Growing in Faith
Know God will reward
Those diligently seeking
Who by faith, obey
Both His call, and leading.
More Faith in God
So, stop looking to people
To meet all you’re needing
Since God will supply
More praying, and believing!
Know Christ is our Rock
Our beginning and end
Our faith wholly rests
On the Savior, God sent.
Deny Self and Be Filled
Jesus told us, deny self
And take up our cross
Come follow after Him
Count all else as loss.
Deny Self
You must give up all ‘rights’
Your old life, a ‘foreclosure’
Since redeemed, by Christ Jesus
You are His, a new owner.
Dealing with Doubt
Know faith comes from hearing
Believe, read God’s Word
God’s people stepped out
Obeying what’s heard.
By Faith
Know faith is not wishing
Nor wanting, nor feeling
But faith is believing
Obeying God’s leading.