The Cost of Salvation
Yet, He bids us to follow
We must take up, our cross
Abide in Him daily
Count all things as loss.
The Blessings of Surrender (Becoming ‘Good Soil’)
Yes, receive of God’s blessing
First surrender each part
Not the best of our flesh
First, our will and our heart.
That He May Increase
May the LORD increase
In my life, day by day
And may I decrease
I earnestly pray.
Take Time to be Holy
In God’s Vine, keep abiding
As His branch, bearing fruit
Stay dependent, keep praying
Christ-likeness, your pursuit.
Striving, or Resting?
But, if our vision is great
Let us therefore, come boldly
To His throne of grace
To obtain mercy from God
Come wholly rest, in His grace.
Sounds Strange!
So, our God allows trials
That our faith be tenacious
Great faith, be made complete
To be perfected, need patience.
Set us on Fire
To be fuel, for Your fire
May this light, burn bright
As a beacon of hope
So lost souls, find sight.
Send The Fire
Come fill, and anoint us
Rooted, grounded in love
Comprehending the greatness
Of Jesus love, from above.
Send The Fire, LORD
LORD God, send the fire
Upon us we pray
Hourly, and daily
Purify, have Your way.
Secrets of Prayer
Keep watching and praying
By the LORD, you’re assigned.
Yes, pray until victory
Let His Spirit guide.